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  Quality Control

  1. High quality rubber seed are collected from recommended places like Marthandom, Kulasekharam and so on.
  2. Adopting better methods for germination
  3. Selection of healthy germinated seeds
  4. Facilitating glass house & green house for initial growth
  5. Selection of vigor & healthy plants for budding
  6. Well maintained bud wood nursery
  7. Collection of high quality scions from healthy bud woods
  8. Young budding done by experts using special knife.
  9. Systematic application of manures & chemicals
  10. Installation of cut backed plants in glass houses & green houses for maintaining uniformity in growth and resisting diseases
  11. Availing glass house for plant protection, pest control & fungal control
  12. Sorting of matured & quality plants by experts
  13. Adopting better loading system to avoid transportation damage
  14. Customer care & after sale service

In spite of all these, we are proud to inform you that each and every activities performed in the Cheerakuzhy Young Bud Rubber Nursery is carried out by the guidance and supervision of Karshakasree K. C. Kuriakose

  Awards,Events & Accolades     Young Bud Rubber     Media
  • In honor of Karshakasree K. C. Kuriakose’s achievements in the field of Young Budding technique, he has won the National Grassroots Technological Innovations And Traditional Knowledge Awards Instituted by the National Innovation Foundation (NIF) under the Union Department of Science and Technology .
  • In short, the innovation of this scientific technique has challenged and revolutionized the conventional method of Brown Budding and Green Budding. It adds a vibrant impact upon the rubber planters throughout Kerala and other rubber growing regions of India.
  • Media plays a unique role in our growth and development. The survival of an ordinary peasant’s extra ordinary interference over a well advanced field of cultivation invariably depends on the favour and freedom of the media. It was first media that highlighted the advantages of our innovative venture….
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